Greatwood News
Flags Across Brazos…for the Youth of Fort Bend County
Six times throughout the year, enjoy a 3’x5′ American Flag displayed in your yard from sunrise to sunset. Young men from Troop 1000 will strategically place a flag in your front yard on the following days: July 4th, Labor Day, Veteran’s Day, President’s Day, Memorial Day and Flag Day.
The things that the flag stands for were created by the experiences of a great people. Everything that it stands for was written by their lives. The flag is the embodiment, not of sentiment, but of history.” – Woodrow Wilson, June 14, 1915, Flag Day.
Our re-subscription letters go out every December but you can sign up throughout the year.
If you are interested in signing up or to review prices go to the following site: BSA Troop 1000 or send an email to:
Pool Rules
This pool is for the use of residents of the Greatwood Community Association only. A resident must accompany their guests at all times. 4 guests per access card or mobile pass.
- An access card or the Brivo mobile pass is required for entry. Tailgating/piggybacking to gain access is not permitted.
- Please keep in mind, residents are responsible for any guests who accompany them. Be careful!
- All guests must sign in when they enter the facility. This allows the pool company to keep track of the number of patrons in the facility in the event of an emergency.
- Any children under the age of 14 must be accompanied by a parent or an adult 18 years of age or older.
- Lifeguards have the authority to remove anyone disobeying or endangering themselves or another person. The Greatwood Board of Directors and/or management staff have the authority to suspend the offender(s).
- Lifeguards have the authority to impose additional rules to ensure the safety and enjoyment of residents.
- All guests are subject to a swim test. Guests who are unable to swim one length of the pool will not be granted access to the deeper ends.
- Street clothes and cut off shorts are potentially damaging to the swimming pool filtration systems and therefore are not allowed in the pools.
- One (1) long whistle blast signifies the immediate exit of the pool. This activates the Emergency Action Plan indicating that a guard has entered the water.
- Lifeguards are not responsible for the baby pool – use at your own risk. Only supervised children 5 years of age or younger may use the baby pool.
- Children in diapers must wear rubber swim pants or swimming diapers. No disposable diapers are allowed in the pool.
- No diving in water less than 6 feet in depth.
- Potentially dangerous entries into the pool such as back flips, gainers, and somersaults are prohibited.
- Running, roughhousing, dunking, abusive and foul language, firearms, or smoking and/or vaping is prohibited.
- All pool patrons must stay off all safety and lap lane ropes.
- Glass containers, consumption of alcoholic beverages, loud music, pets, and use of skateboards, rollerblades, or bicycles are prohibited. Any person suspected of using alcohol shortly before or during a visit to the facility will be asked to leave.
- Toys, squirt guns and flotation devices designed for pool use are allowed. Playing on rafts and large floats are allowed as long as it is away from the sides and steps of the pool and the pool is not crowded. Lifeguards have the authority to remove toys and flotation devices if they are mis-used or if determined the pool is too crowded.
- Having food at the pool is a privilege. Food is not allowed in the swimming pool. Clean up after yourself; failure to do so could result in suspension of this privilege.
- Weather Policy: At first sight of lightning or sound of thunder, the pool will be closed a minimum of 15 minutes. The first sound of thunder and/or if lightening is within 10-miles of the facility. All swimmers must exit the pool area for at least 30 minutes or 30 minutes after the last sound of thunder or lightning strike within 10 miles.
- Human Waste Policy: If human waste in found in the pool, the pool will be closed for 2 to 8 hours depending on the severity of the condition. Lifeguards will clean and chlorinate the pool during the closing.
- Lap Lane Policy: The lap lane is available on a first come first serve basis. Swimmers should decide on the swimming pattern they will use. Crossing the lap lane while it is in use is prohibited.