Click here for a copy of the May 26, 2016 meeting minutes. (PDF)

Greatwood Community Association, Inc.
Board of Directors Meeting May 26, 2016

The Board of Directors for the Greatwood Community Association, Inc. met May 26, 2016 at Rec 1at 6:00pm. The Board members present were Chip Smith, Mike Wills & Brian Shaw. Jack Molho & Stuart Rimes were absent. Also present was Nikkole Luna representing Houston Community Management Services.

Quorum was established. Chip Smith called the meeting to order at 5:55pm.

Sgt. Jean Gobar was in attendance to provide an update.

-2 accounts were reviewed for waiver requests
-accounts were reviewed for legal action
-policy updates

Mike Wills made a motion to approve and accept the April 28, 2016 minutes as presented. Brian Sha w seconded the motion. All in favor. Motion carried unanimously.

Chip Smith gave the financial report for the April financials. Brian Shaw made a motion to accept and approve the April financial income statement. Mile Wills seconded the motion. All in favor. Motion carried unanimously.


Landscape Proposals
A total of $3,612.58 in landscape proposals from Earthcare were submitted. Chip Smith asked for approval pending the funds are available in the landscape replacement budget. Mike Wills made a motion to approve the proposals. Brian Shaw seconded the motion. All in favor. Motion carried unanimously.

Sackett Commercial Services
A proposal from Sackett Commercial Services for the yearly drive around in the amount of $7,198.63 was approved unanimously via email. Chip Smith made a motion to ratify the approval. Brian Shaw seconded the motion. All in favor. Motion carried unanimously.

Installing Trash Cans Throughout Greatwood
May Recreation submitted 3 different proposals for trash cans and installation. 5 trash cans – $3,798.00
10 trash cans – $6,681.00 20 trash cans – $12, 525.00

Chip Smith made a motion to purchase 5 trash cans which will be installed strategically in Greatwood. Brian Shaw seconded the motion. All in favor. Motion carried unanimously.

Mike Wills and management will meet to choose the locations for the trash cans.
Purchase of Pool Furniture
Management did a count of pool furniture at pool 1and pool 3. It was noted that pool 2 does not need new furniture as it is all in good condition. It was recommended that the good furniture at pool 1be relocated to pool 3 and the furniture in bad condition at pool 1and pool 3 be disposed of. Mike Wills made a motion to purchase 50 chairs, 50 lounges and 10 tables from A Beautiful at the total cost of $19,815.81 which includes shipping,delivery and set up. Chip Smith seconded the motion. Brian abstained. Motion carried.

Mud on Sidewalks
Mike Will asked that a discussion of the mud on sidewalks be held. Mike stated if a porter is hired, this could be one of the tasks that would be done. Management informed the Board that HCMS maintenance could provide a porter once a week for $24.00 per hour. Mike Wills made a motion to proceed with the porter. Brian Shaw seconded the motion. All in favor. Motion carried unanimously.

Committee Reports
Landscape – Chip Smith gave an update on the landscaping. Infrastructure – Chip Smith gave an update on the infrastructure. Holiday Lighting/Decorations – no update
Forestry – tree trimming contiuens
Playground – new kiddie mulch has been installed at Rec 2 playground Pools – no update
ACC – no update Lakes – no update

Homeowners present brought up the loud music during pool parties and swim meets at Rec 1, inquiries about the Community projects and the new irrigation controllers.

With no further business a motion was made to adjourn the meeting at 7:02pm, seconded and passed unanimously. The next meeting will be June 23, 2016 at 6:00pm.